Adventure Dogs

We went hiking this weekend.

Hiking DogsIt was a lot of fun to break out of our standard routine and go explore a new world, but it is important that we were prepared and alert during the whole outing. Your dogs, no matter their breed or size, will enjoy adventures as long as you take the time to do it right. Follow some simple adventure rules to ensure success!

Rule 1: Know your destination. No matter if you are planning to go on a walk through a new park or a hike that will challenge you and your dog, do a little research before you go. Be sure to check that parks and trails are dog friendly, but also know the terrain. If your dog is not used to activity, they might not be up to a four mile hike up a steep mountain; you must make the judgment call for what your dog can handle.

Within the confines of knowing your destination, I want to include knowing the weather. This weekend, temperatures were supposed to break the 100 mark- an afternoon adventure was absolutely out of the question. When we were leaving our trail, we saw people trying to take dogs and small children onto it. Many returned before we had even left the park because it was too hot by 9AM. Take the two minutes to check the weather the day before to be prepared. Heat is dangerous (as is freezing cold). Rain isn’t going to hurt, but if you don’t want a muddy wet dog, don’t go out. A simple check avoids any mishaps.

Rule 2: Always be prepared. My mama said this is the Boy Scout motto, but I think I everyone should adopt it! For us, preparedness includes ample amounts of water, cookies for a snack, map, cell phone, and camera. Luckily I have a backpack that holds most of this and mom or dad carries the water.

Outward Hound Back PackRule 3: Pay attention. Every day is different. You can plan and prep, but you must be paying attention to be sure that your adventure is a success. I’ve stepped on burrs, and thankfully, my mama always notices if I limp or hold my foot up for even a short moment. Shami is smaller than I am so dad will lift her over a large rock to be sure that she doesn’t hurt herself trying to jump. Their vigilance ensures that we don’t suffer a serious injury. This holds true for even walks in an unfamiliar neighborhood. Being alert and paying attention means that you are never surprised by an off-leash dog, plants with thorns, or a car whipping around a turn.

Follow these basic rules and you will be able to enjoy your adventures and build up to being a weekend warrior!

Enjoy some pictures from our hike!

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Safety First

There are a lot of holidays that require Mom and Dad to go away out instead of being home with us. We don’t mind though because they always take care of our needs before they leave.

First, Mom believes that tired pups will most likely sleep and relax while alone in the house. On days like today (New Year’s Eve) we go on a big adventure. This involves more than just walking around the neighborhood like we do every day. Today we went to a hiking trail and spent an hour and a half climbing 412′ in elevation. This doesn’t just tire us out, we are wiped. Feed us our dinner and we will sleep through anything. This strategy of Mom’s works for them too because when they come home, we are ready to go to bed and not ramped up wanting another walk. You know your pooch’s activity level; so you are the best judge of how much extra activity to push for.

Second, Dad leaves music on. I know it sounds silly and cliche, but on a holiday like New Year’s Eve in a state where fireworks are legal, there is bound to be some ruckus in the street. If there is some music on, it creates a bit of a white noise effect and we aren’t so startled when the fireworks go off. We don’t have a dog door in our home, but if you do, consider closing it for the night. When you hear of dogs running away on holidays like this, the problem is that the dog could get out not that the dog was skiddish. If your dog tends to be more nervous to sounds like firecrackers, they are more apt to look for safety when things start popping.

Have a safe and happy New Year’s Eve and we will see you all in 2012!