Safety First

There are a lot of holidays that require Mom and Dad to go away out instead of being home with us. We don’t mind though because they always take care of our needs before they leave.

First, Mom believes that tired pups will most likely sleep and relax while alone in the house. On days like today (New Year’s Eve) we go on a big adventure. This involves more than just walking around the neighborhood like we do every day. Today we went to a hiking trail and spent an hour and a half climbing 412′ in elevation. This doesn’t just tire us out, we are wiped. Feed us our dinner and we will sleep through anything. This strategy of Mom’s works for them too because when they come home, we are ready to go to bed and not ramped up wanting another walk. You know your pooch’s activity level; so you are the best judge of how much extra activity to push for.

Second, Dad leaves music on. I know it sounds silly and cliche, but on a holiday like New Year’s Eve in a state where fireworks are legal, there is bound to be some ruckus in the street. If there is some music on, it creates a bit of a white noise effect and we aren’t so startled when the fireworks go off. We don’t have a dog door in our home, but if you do, consider closing it for the night. When you hear of dogs running away on holidays like this, the problem is that the dog could get out not that the dog was skiddish. If your dog tends to be more nervous to sounds like firecrackers, they are more apt to look for safety when things start popping.

Have a safe and happy New Year’s Eve and we will see you all in 2012!