Travel Partners

Some times Mom and Dad travel and puppies aren’t allowed to go, but it’s ok, this is when we get to go on puppy vacation. Whether it is a kennel that fits your every need or another family who shares you pet-raising philosophy, having a safe place for the pooches to go is extremely important.

A boarding kennel can be an awesome option, but keep some things in mind. You have to follow their rules. Even the most friendly and accommodating kennel will require all vaccinations be up to date and they might require a screening. This is to ensure the health and safety of all the dogs staying there, be respectful. Similarly, when boarding, it’s important to explain any special needs a dog has, but we don’t need to tell everyone that I like belly rubs at exactly 6:45 p.m. These are busy people who (if you do your homework and pick a great kennel) are doing a great job for you, don’t make it too difficult.

Some tips for kenneling:

  • Tour the place well in advance. You need to see how they operate and get to know some employees. Is it clean? Do you have concerns?
  • Ask a lot of questions. How many dogs do they have at a time? How do they identify the dogs? What is included in the per day cost- don’t assume it covers everything.
  • Don’t be a helicopter. When it is time to bring your pups in, make it quick. Being nervous or sad transfers to us. Calling to check in on your pooch once or twice is ok too, but don’t make daily phone calls; the kennel has your number if they need it. When it is time to pick us up, we’re going to be tired, don’t freak out.
  • Be grateful. Say thank you, tip the worker who took time to give your pup a bath, write a thank you note for them to display, etc.

For us, we go to our Aunt Lisa and Uncle Eric’s house. When they travel, their pup comes to stay with us. This situation works out so well because we all know each other and we all get along. Mom and Dad can go on vacation with any stress (or guilt) while we enjoy a few days with our friend.

That being said, see you in a few days. I’m on vacation!

Ain’t no bugs on me

Recently, we went on a little road trip and Mom was worried about the possibility of fleas and bed bugs. We get our home sprayed and we’ve never had issues, but when you spend the night in another place, you always have to be careful.

We also have a lemon tree in our front yard that produces more lemons, gigantic in size, than we can ever consume. Awhile back, Mom found this Sunkist Lemons & More book in the bargain bin and bought it. Sixty-four pages of ways to use lemons, and one was even a tip for a make-your-own flea repellent. No need to go buy an expensive spray that might irritate our skin!

  • 2-3 lemons cut into slices
  • 1 quart water
  • 1 clean spray bottle

Put ingredients in a large enough pot so it doesn’t boil over. Let it come to a boil on high and continue to boil for 15 to 20 minutes. Lemon rinds will get very soft and everything will start to fall apart.

Strain into a pitcher and let cool completely.

Once cooled, fill up your spray bottle and spritz down the pups. Spray until damp and let dry. Don’t get it in our faces though, that’s not fun.

Repeat as needed. If you aren’t in an area that gets fleas, don’t go crazy. If you feel there might be an influx, spritz them down once a day.

Note: Lemon juice will lighten hair if out in the sun a lot!

Cake Recipe

I really enjoyed my birthday cake yesterday so I figured I would share my Mom’s recipe!

For cake:

  • 2 cups oat flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1/3 cup carob chips
  • 2 eggs
  • 3/4 cup honey
  • 1/4 cup coconut oil
  • 1/2 cup plain (or vanilla) non-fat yogurt

For the Frosting:

  • 1 8 ounce package of cream cheese (room temperature)
  • 1/4 cup carob chips softened

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Combine all of the cake ingredients together until well blended. Grease an 8 X 8 pan and pour mixture in evenly. Bake 30-35 minutes until sides pull away from the pan a little bit. Cool completely in the pan.

In a separate bowl, mix together frosting ingredients. Frost cooled cake. Store in the refrigerator and enjoy!

The recipe is an adaptation of a dog brownie recipe we found from Bubba Rose Biscuit Company. While we could find carob chips, we weren’t able to find the powder any place nearby. If you want to make their recipe, use the same amounts listed for the chips, but in powdered form.

NOTE: Never, ever, substitute chocolate for carob in any dog recipe.

Happy Birthday to Me!

Toby here, ready to blog.

As today is my fifth birthday, I decided my new grown-up goal would be to blog about a dog’s life- since I have a pretty good one.

Born in Ireland as Macfinn O’Mahony, from a great line of Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers, I was chosen to go on a great adventure that brought me to America and Arizona and my family now- where I became Toby. I spent my first year as an only puppy and it was great. Dad had never had a dog before so it was a lot of learning, but Mom was a pro. In July of 2007 we rescued a little terrier mix and now I have a little sister in the house. We are a perfect pack!

A note to my readers, we are definitely “fur children” and not simply “pets”- I mean Mom is letting me blog. Be prepared for lots of photos, recipes and tips for involving your own pets into your life more completely.

Now on to my birthday cake!